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Définitions de « quite »

Quite - Nom commun

  • (Tauromachie) Manœuvre par laquelle un torero détourne le taureau pour protéger un collègue en danger.

    Ivan Fandiño, 36 ans, a été pris alors qu’il effectuait un quite à l’un des taureaux de son compatriote Juan del Alamo.
    — A.Mi avec AFP, Un matador espagnol meurt lors d'une corrida en France sur

Étymologie de « quite »

De l'espagnol quitar (« enlever »).

Usage du mot « quite »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « quite » depuis 1800

Fréquence d'apparition du mot « quite » dans le journal Le Monde depuis 1945

Source : Gallicagram. Créé par Benjamin Azoulay et Benoît de Courson, Gallicagram représente graphiquement l’évolution au cours du temps de la fréquence d’apparition d’un ou plusieurs syntagmes dans les corpus numérisés de Gallica et de beaucoup d’autres bibliothèques.

Synonymes de « quite »

Citations contenant le mot « quite »

  • Le spectacle Not quite midnight d’Hélène Blackburn (Cie Cas public) programmé mardi 3 novembre à 20h au Théâtre de l’Olivier à Istres est annulé. Dans le contexte sanitaire actuel, la compagnie québécoise a été contrainte d’interrompre sa tournée européenne — Istres - Culture - Istres : le spectacle Not quite midnight est annulé - Maritima.Info
  • These ‘atoms’ can be considered analogues of hydrogen, with a single electron orbiting a nucleus of charge +1. However, they have quite different masses. The muon (a ‘heavy’ cousin of the electron, or of its antiparticle the positron) has a mass of 0.11amu, so muonium has about a tenth the mass of 1H, while muonic helium has a mass of 4.11amu. 
    Chemistry World — We choose to go to the muon | Opinion | Chemistry World
  • "I have been birding quite seriously over the last year, so I am familiar with the birds that are frequent here in Nova Scotia and I was aware that the oriole was a unique sight," Barss told CBC's Mainstreet Halifax in an interview on Monday.
    CBC — Dartmouth family helps Baltimore oriole survive N.S. winter with food and warmth | CBC News
  • And he becomes naturalised Australian in 1911 at the age of 49. Soon after that he turns up in Tasmania at the 19 mile osmiridium field. What is osmiridium? Well, I can tell you that osmiridium is an alloy of osmium and iridium, both precious metals. And at that time, osmiridium was used for the nibs of gold fountain pens. And there he was supposed to have regularly fed a thylacine. So he had quite a few thylacine adventures while he was in the bush.
    ABC Education — The travels of Hooky Jack - ABC Education
  • …kelly pickler was not really “underrated among mainstream country”. her albums received commercial and critical acclaim, she was a media darling and had hits in the charts. however, she always had quite a few other things going on, thanks to her talent and her endearing personality. if anything, it was somewhat bad luck, that bro-country reigned, when she came up with rock solid traditonally leaning material. miss her too and would love to see her coming out of the dark and back.
    Saving Country Music — After Tragedy, Kellie Pickler Returning to Stage to Tribute Patsy Cline - Saving Country Music
  • The styles range from something you could wear everyday casually, to more “avant-garde” looks that came straight off the pages of a fashion magazine, and styles that are quite sophisticated to show the versatility of prostyle products. Each week a short video was also released with each new style, showing viewers how the hairstylists were able to pull it off.
    ARAMA! JAPAN — Erina Mano shows off 7 distinct hairstyles with “prostyle” collaboration | ARAMA! JAPAN
  • The position of the African writer of the diaspora is quite complex to define. Their paratope (paratopie), to use Maingueneau's (2016) term, lies in their position in-between the fields of reception and origin. At both institutional and literary levels, a phenomenon of distortion, multiple and unpredictable, often lurks behind the author of the diaspora and their writing. Let us first recall some facts that attest to this.
    L'Afrique littéraire de la diaspora. Postures et rhétoriques des écrivains (Revue Langues et Littératures)
  • LUCA is a ray of sunshine. Vibrant & warm with strong themes on individuality & friendship. While not quite top tier Pixar, there’s little to complain about here from its lively pace, sweet humor, lovely score & exuberant voice performances. I wish I could’ve seen it in a theater — Luca : les premiers avis sur le nouveau Pixar sont tombés

Traductions du mot « quite »

Langue Traduction
Anglais quite
Espagnol bastante
Italien abbastanza
Allemand ziemlich
Chinois 相当
Arabe الى حد كبير
Portugais bastante
Russe довольно
Japonais かなり
Basque nahiko
Corse piuttostu
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.