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Accueil > Dictionnaire > Définitions du mot « satiation »



Définitions de « satiation »

Satiation - Nom commun

  • (Psychologie) État de satisfaction complète.

    Dans l'immensité de son dernier repas, il avait touché à la satiation, cette plénitude où le corps et l'esprit se reposent dans un contentement sans limites.
    (Citation fictive)

Usage du mot « satiation »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « satiation » depuis 1800

Synonymes de « satiation »

Citations contenant le mot « satiation »

  • On s’aperçoit au bout du compte que Pierre Thépot n’a jamais été l’homme de la satiation, il est donc temps qu’il s’en aille.
    Guadeloupe. Crise du CHU : Pierre Thépot doit partir ! - CCN - Caraib Creole News / L'actualité de Guadeloupe, Martinique et de la Caraïbe
  • Semantic satiation is the uncanny sensation that occurs when a word or sentence is repeated again and again, until it appears to become foreign and nonsensical to the speaker. You may have done this as a child, repeating a word in quick succession until it no longer seems to be recognizable. It’s a highly reliable effect—you can try it now. Repeat a word to yourself quickly, out loud, for an extended period, and really focus on the word and its meaning. Under these circumstances, most people experience semantic satiation
    Quillette — Identity Satiation
  • Researchers hypothesized that focusing on satiety (feeling free of hunger) and satiation (feeling satisfied with a meal) through the consumption of fruits and vegetables may be better targets for weight loss success.
    News-Medical — Focusing on satiety and satiation may be better for weight loss success
  • Brown adipose tissue (BAT) has an important function in the control of satiation via prandial thermogenesis and represents an interesting potential target for tackling obesity, according to a new paper.
    Nature — BAT is involved in control of satiation | Nature Reviews Endocrinology
  • Some studies suggest that diets focusing on satiety and satiation by including higher levels of protein and fiber may be more effective than calorie counting for maintaining weight loss. Satiety refers to feeling free from hunger, while satiation is feeling satisfied with a meal.
    Weight loss: Is focusing on satiety better than calorie counting?
  • Researchers from the Turku PET Centre and Technical University of Munich have discovered a new mechanism controlling satiation. According to the recently published study, the hormone secretin induces satiation by activating brown adipose tissue.
    Secretin hormone induces satiation by activating brown fat

Traductions du mot « satiation »

Langue Traduction
Anglais satiation
Espagnol saciedad
Italien sazietà
Allemand sättigung
Chinois 饱足感
Arabe شبع
Portugais saciedade
Russe пресыщение
Japonais 飽食
Basque satiation
Corse satira
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.