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Définitions de « inosculation »

Inosculation - Nom commun

  • (Chirurgie) Procédé consistant à unir deux vaisseaux de diamètre identique.

    Selon la manière dont se fait cette fusion, on lui donne les noms d’anastomose par inosculation, par convergence ou angulaire, et par communication transversale.
    — Joseph Auguste Aristide Fort, Anatomie descriptive et dissection: Volume 1

Étymologie de « inosculation »

Du préfixe latin in- et du latin osculari (baiser), dérivé de osculum (petite bouche), lui-même diminutif de os, oris (bouche). Il s'agit d'un dérivé de osculation.

Usage du mot « inosculation »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « inosculation » depuis 1800

Synonymes de « inosculation »

Citations contenant le mot « inosculation »

  • Here's another fun fact. While inosculation is most visible to us when it happens between branches or trunks, it can also occur underground. When roots collide and connect, whether within a tree's root system or among several trees, inosculation can take place beneath the surface. This underground fusion enables the sharing of resources and strengthens the resilience of the interconnected trees.
    WNBF News Radio 1290 AM & 92.1 FM — The Fascinating Phenomenon of Trees Fusing Together in New York
  • Figure 1: Two inosculated trees. The left of the image shows two inosculating branches from the same tree, and on the right is inosculation between trees of two different species.
    Inner Nature: Inosculation | The Unionville Times
  • Erlandson figured he'd give inosculation a go, and soon he was tinkering with sycamores to create geometric, conjoined shapes, symbols like hearts and lightning bolts, and weaving multiple trees in a circle to create baskets. Twenty years later, his property was covered with them.
    Core77 — More Crooked Forests: Axel Erlandson, the Tree Tinkerer from the 1920s, and His Surviving Work - Core77
  • Conjoined trees are a natural phenomenon that occurs when trunks, branches or roots of two trees grow together. The scientific name is inosculation, according to Wikipedia. It is most common for branches of two trees of the same species to grow together, though inosculation may be noted across related species.
    The Franklin News Post — Conjoined trees an unusual sight

Traductions du mot « inosculation »

Langue Traduction
Anglais inosculation
Espagnol inosculación
Italien inosculation
Allemand inoskulation
Chinois 接种
Arabe التنظير
Portugais inosculação
Russe анастомоз
Japonais 接合
Basque inosculation
Corse inosculazione
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.