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Définitions de « disquisition »

Disquisition - Nom commun

  • Recherche ou examen détaillé et approfondi sur un sujet particulier.

    Il [le lecteur] s'irrite de ce qu'il prend pour des digressions, des disquisitions oiseuses ?
    — Anne F. Garréta, La Décomposition

Expressions liées

  • Disquisition mathématique, philososophique

Étymologie de « disquisition »

Du latin disquisitio (« recherche, enquête »), de disquisitionem, de disquisitum, supin de disquirere (rechercher), formé du préfixe dis- et de quaerere (chercher).

Usage du mot « disquisition »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « disquisition » depuis 1800

Synonymes de « disquisition »

Citations contenant le mot « disquisition »

  • At one point, Santos launched into a disquisition about how, well, the world’s a stage. “The reality of it is it’s all theater. It’s theater for the cameras, it’s theater for the microphones, it’s theater for the American people at the expense of the American people, because no real work’s getting done,” Santos said, surrounded by a mob of reporters and cameras. Acting! It’s a good metaphor for a con man!
    Slate Magazine — George Santos' Jamaal Bowman speech: "It's all theater," the con man cried!
  • HIGHER LEARNING: Debora Foerst, Cherokee High School principal, defended her disquisition successfully on Wednesday, March 21 and will have her doctorate in education (EdD) degree conferred upon her from Western Carolina University in May. (SCOTT MCKIE B.P./One Feather)
    The Cherokee One Feather — CHS principal earns doctorate in education degree - The Cherokee One Feather
  • That's not to say they don't also resort to lesser forms manipulation. A skeptic might roll eyes at the clouds-parting, music-swelling, closing montage set to Petyr Baelish's grandiose disquisition on ambition. But I'm so invested in this world, I don't mind being bludgeoned into chills from time to time. And for however grating/inconsistent/Nicholas Brody-esque Little Finger's accent can be, his "chaos-is-a-ladder" spiel nicely summed up one of Thrones' guiding philosophies.
    The Atlantic — Game of Thrones' Ditches the Book - The Atlantic
  • Obama’s first extended disquisition on the contentious issue of encryption suggests he’s only been listening to one side.
    The Intercept — Obama Wants Nonexistent Middle Ground on Encryption
  • Just a month before Election Day, Trump turned in the nastiest debate performance in modern political history. In one stunning exchange, he turned a grilling about his boorish behavior into a disquisition on former President Bill Clinton’s sexual history and his rival’s alleged role in discrediting his accusers. “I think it’s disgraceful, and I think [she] should be ashamed of herself,” Trump said.
    TIME — Presidential Debate: Why Donald Trump Went Nuclear | TIME

Traductions du mot « disquisition »

Langue Traduction
Anglais disquisition
Espagnol disquisición
Italien disquisizione
Allemand disquisition
Chinois 征服
Arabe مقالة
Portugais disquisição
Russe изыскание
Japonais 懲戒
Basque disquisition
Corse disquisizione
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.