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Accueil > Dictionnaire > Définitions du mot « self-government »



Définitions de « self-government »

Self-government - Nom commun

  • Autonomie politique d'une entité, permettant son autodétermination et sa propre régulation, fréquemment utilisée pour désigner le statut des colonies ou des territoires dans le cadre de l'administration coloniale.

    Le self-government n'est pas un luxe, mais une nécessité. Sans lui, une colonie reste un enfant, incapable de gérer ses propres affaires. - Pierre Berton
    (Citation fictive)

Étymologie de « self-government »

De l'anglais self-government, composé de self et government.

Usage du mot « self-government »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « self-government » depuis 1800

Synonymes de « self-government »

Citations contenant le mot « self-government »

  • Slovakia´s self-government is set up on a two-tier system, yet the regional and local levels are not interconnected. The responsibilities between these two levels cannot be transferred and the self-governing regions have no real powers. Furthermore, regional disparities are increasing, creating inequalities, and making a need for governance reforms more urgent.
    Bonne Gouvernance — Strengthening the Slovak Regions: Council of Europe Policy Advice - Salle de presse de la gouvernance démocratique
  • The Principality of Andorra seems to support local self-government fully and the level of local democracy in the country is generally satisfactory, concluded the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in a recommendation adopted during its 46th plenary session.
    Congress of Local and Regional Authorities — Andorra is fully committed to local self-government, concludes Council of Europe Congress - Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
  • The federal government is mulling a path forward after the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan dropped support for its own proposed self-government legislation, another blow to the controversial Bill C-53.
    CBC — Feds mull options as Métis self-government bill threatens to collapse | CBC News
  • McCallum stood by the decision to withdraw Thursday, saying the group would continue working with the federal government to create a separate self-government structure in Saskatchewan.
    Global News — Métis groups will trudge on toward self-government as bill faces another setback |
  • But given the support they have from their communities, however, the Métis Nations of Alberta and Ontario say they’ll continue to work with the federal government and ensure their self-government is respected and upheld.
    Lethbridge News Now — Métis groups will trudge on toward self-government as bill faces another setback | Lethbridge News Now
  • The Métis Nation – Saskatchewan is pulling its support for a federal bill that proposes to enshrine its self-government over concerns about the other two groups it recognizes.
    The Globe and Mail — Métis Nation Saskatchewan pulls support for Liberals’ belaboured self-government bill - The Globe and Mail

Traductions du mot « self-government »

Langue Traduction
Anglais self-government
Espagnol autogobierno
Italien autonomia
Allemand selbstverwaltung
Chinois 自治政府
Arabe الحكم الذاتي
Portugais governo autônomo
Russe самоуправление
Japonais 自治
Basque autogobernua
Corse autunumia
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.