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Définitions de « scoured »

Scoured - Nom commun

  • (Commerce) Terme désignant la laine lavée à l'eau tiède après tonte pour réduire son volume et poids avant transport.

    Là laine [...] est livrée au commerce sous trois états différents : 1° laine en suint; 2° laine lavée à dos ; 3° laine lavée à chaud ou scoured. [...] La laine lavée à chaud ou scoured est lavée à l'eau tiède, avant d’être livrée au commerce ; c’est ainsi que l’on vend une certaine quantité de laines coloniales dans le but de diminuer autant que possible le volume et le poids de la marchandise à transporter.
    — L. Bipper, Traité de filature & de tissage

Étymologie de « scoured »

Du participe passé de l'anglais to scour (récurer, frotter), attesté depuis 1861. Ce mot semble être une création autogène du jargon commercial français, n'ayant pas d'équivalent avec ce sens en anglais.

Usage du mot « scoured »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « scoured » depuis 1800

Synonymes de « scoured »

Citations contenant le mot « scoured »

  • Our super sleuths have scoured the evidence and identified that @SpursOfficial's amazing Danny Rose is our incredibly generous mystery donor. Here he is saying a *huge thankyou* to NorthMid and other NHS heroes.And wash your hands, stay indoors, and help the NHS stay safe.
    Sport24 — Coronavirus : Danny Rose fait un don anonyme à un hôpital anglais - Fil Info - Etranger - Football
  • Keasling, who is also a professor at UC Berkeley, had his eye on cyclopropane molecules for a long time. He had scoured the scientific literature for organic compounds with three-carbon rings and found just two known examples, both made by Streptomyces bacteria that are nearly impossible to grow in a lab environment. Fortunately, one of the molecules had been studied and genetically analyzed due to interest in its antifungal properties. Discovered in 1990, the natural product is named jawsamycin, because its unprecedented five cyclopropane rings make it look like a jaw filled with pointy teeth.
    Berkeley Lab News Center — Bacteria for Blastoff: Using Microbes to Make Supercharged New Rocket Fuel - Berkeley Lab – Berkeley Lab News Center
  • In the experiment, a handheld 3D laser scanner, the Scantech Prince 335, is used to scan the erodible bed surface scoured by debris flow with a maximum resolution of 0.020 mm, a maximum scanning accuracy of 0.03 mm, and a scanning speed of 265,000–320,000 times per second. At the same time, the Revealer 5F04 high-speed camera is selected to monitor the debris flow motion process and the maximum resolution is 2320*1720 (4 million pixels), and the acquisition speed is 1–152,000 frames per second.
    Nature — Experimental study of erodible bed scoured by the debris flow in the narrow-steep gully | Scientific Reports
  • One way to avoid leggings problems is to discover which pairs customers have rated the highest. If you’re eying a pair and they only have two stars out of five, that’s a sure sign not to add them to your cart. To save you time, we scoured hundreds upon hundreds of leggings reviews from Target customers. Rounded up here are the highest-rated pairs.
    HuffPost — We Scoured Target For The Highest-Rated Leggings | HuffPost Life
  • TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - About 90 Tallahassee Police and Tallahassee Fire Department staff scoured 64 acres of San Luis Mission Park in search of a missing 12-year-old Tallahassee girl Tuesday. — Nearly 100 people search 60+ acres for missing 12-year-old Lori Paige
  • A dead humpback whale that was buried on the beach this summer after drifting into Shinnecock Bay through the inlet, had to be re-buried last week at a new site, after storms scoured sand from its burial site and exposed its remains. MICHAEL O'CONNOR
    27 East — Dead Whale Emerges From Sand-Scoured Beach; County Called in To Re-Bury the Late Leviathan - 27 East
  • Prince Harry’s sensitive immigration material may be scoured by a judge.
    Yahoo News — Prince Harry faces having sensitive immigration material scoured by judge

Traductions du mot « scoured »

Langue Traduction
Anglais scoured
Espagnol fregado
Italien perlustrato
Allemand gescheuert
Chinois 擦洗
Arabe تجوب
Portugais lavado
Russe мытой
Japonais 洗った
Basque scoured
Corse scantatu
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.