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Définitions de « polariscope »

Polariscope - Nom commun

  • Instrument optique servant à mesurer et détecter la polarisation de la lumière.

    Elle utilise un polariscope qui permet de visualiser, sous la forme de franges de polarisation, les contraintes induites dans un modèle translucide.
    — Gilbert Drouin, Éléments de machines

Étymologie de « polariscope »

Du verbe polariser et du grec ancien σϰοπεῖν, skopein (examiner).

Usage du mot « polariscope »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « polariscope » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « polariscope »

  • « Mon travail consiste à déterminer l'authenticité et la valeur des pierres ». À l'oeil nu d'abord puis à l'aide de divers instruments tels que loupe, polariscope, dichroscope, conoscope, réfractomètre...
    Le Telegramme — Florian, profession « gemmologue » ! - LeTelegramme Le T +
  • Le but est de reconnaître les inclusions d'une pierre donnée : quelque chose qui lui est unique, comme des bulles, des cristaux? Cela permet de distinguer le vrai du faux. Il y a d'abord des cours théoriques à partir de photos, puis on passe à la pratique à l'aide de multiples instruments : loupe, microscope, réfractomètre, dichroscope séparant les couleurs, polariscope qui permet de voir comment la lumière se comporte, balance hydrostatique qui calcule la densité de la pierre? C'est de cette manière qu'on délivre les certificats d'authenticité.
    Singapour, gemmologie, expat, expatriée, reconversion, portrait |
  • Description: The recalled polariscopes are white in color with model number 415000 or 415 printed on the underside of the instrument. A polariscope is an instrument used by gemologists to assist in gem identification.
    U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission — GIA Instruments Recalls Polariscopes Due to Shock Hazard |
  • Thanks to his GIA ID100 screening tool, he was able to spot-check trays of new finished jewelry. In the case of individual client rings, he’ll use a polariscope and the ID100 to determine if a diamond is natural or synthetic. In the last three weeks, he’s taken in two rings for resizing that were set with lab-grown and not the natural diamonds that clients thought they had. These examples are why screening goods on intake is critical and reveals deficiencies in disclosure by others at the time of sale. These are lawsuits in the making.
    Rapaport — Detecting Lab-Grown Diamonds That Deceive
  • A series of regulations were passed. The Act of June 30, 1864 provided for the use of Dutch standards for assessment of duty on sugar, where color was verified by chemical or mechanical means. Use of the optical polariscope to determine actual sugar strength was initiated in 1883. The Tariff Act of July 24, 1894 made testing necessary, and the polariscope (along with a specialized version called a saccharimeter) became standard equipment.
    U.S. Customs and Border Protection — Did You Know... CBP Supported Sweet Standards? | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
  • The contour method was used in the present study to determine the residual stress existing in glass. The residual stress distribution determined was validated using a scatter light polariscope (SCALP-05). The main limitation of the used apparatus is that the thickness up to which it can measure the residual stress distribution is ~2.2 mm.
    Prediction of residual stress in structural glass | Engineering | University of Southampton
  • The first one (Scalp) measures SC at tin and air side. It is a compact scattered light polariscope for depthwise stress measurement in sheet glass. Scalp-05 contains diode laser, optics and camera. Recording of the data and stress calculation is done by PC. The second one (Laser Gasp) is also well known at glass industry and it is able to measure the SC at the tin side, giving an information of surface stress. The SC measurements were carried out on both the surfaces by Scalp-05 and on tin side with Laser Gasp. — Surface Compression Comparative Measurements on Tempered Glass with Different Instruments |

Traductions du mot « polariscope »

Langue Traduction
Anglais polariscope
Espagnol polariscopio
Italien polariscopio
Allemand polariskop
Chinois 偏光镜
Arabe الاستقطاب
Portugais polariscópio
Russe полярископ
Japonais 偏光器
Basque polariscope
Corse polariscopiu
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.