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Définitions de « oospore »

Oospore - Nom commun

  • (Botanique) Graine formée chez les cryptogames.

    Dans le monde mystérieux des cryptogames, l'oospore s'éveille, petite graine prête à dévoiler le secret de la vie qu'elle renferme.
    (Citation fictive)

Étymologie de « oospore »

Du grec ancien ᾠόν, ôon (« œuf ») et σπορά, sporá (« semence »).

Usage du mot « oospore »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « oospore » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « oospore »

  • To determine the growth rate, all tested strains were cultured on 10% V8 agar medium at 25 °C in the dark. Colony diameters were measured and photographed after seven days. To quantify oospore production, all tested strains were cultured on LBA agar medium in 7 cm petri plates at 25 °C in the dark. The oospores produced by different strains were photographed and counted with at least 30 images per strain. The different morphology of oospores was photographed, and the content ratio was calculated.
    Nature — A Phytophthora receptor-like kinase regulates oospore development and can activate pattern-triggered plant immunity | Nature Communications
  • “The Aphanomyces life cycle has two phases. The first phase is the oospore stage,” explains Chatterton. “This is a fairly large, single-celled resting spore, surrounded by a very thick cell wall. The oospore can survive in soil for six to 10 years, or more. When a suitable host is around, the oospores germinate, to produce zoospores.
    10 Years Of Aphanomyces | Better Farming
  • Le oospore si formano durante l’intero periodo vegetativo in seguito alla fecondazione di un oogonio (organo femminile) da parte di un anteridio (organo maschile). Durante l’inverno le oospore, che raggiungono la maturità in autunno, rimangono dormienti e la loro germinazione in primavera è influenzata principalmente dalle condizioni di temperatura e dalle precipitazioni.
    Gir — Attacchi di peronospora e danni all'Uva: arrivano gli Aiuti dal Governo - Gir
  • Zoospores move via wind and rain and act as the major cause of disease spread during the season, infecting new leaves, shoots and eventually even cones. The reproductive cycle that produces zoospores may repeat multiple times over the season, depending on temperature and moisture availability. Alternately, mycelium may also yield a resting spore (oospore) that it produces through sexual recombination. Oospores are typically more resistant to environmental changes and are often referred to as resting spores. It is unclear at this time if Michigan’s climate provides environmental conditions conducive to oospore production.
    MSU Extension — Postharvest hopyard management - MSU Extension

Traductions du mot « oospore »

Langue Traduction
Anglais oospore
Espagnol oospora
Italien oospore
Allemand oospore
Chinois 卵子
Arabe أوسبور
Portugais oósporo
Russe ооспора
Japonais オースポア
Basque oospore
Corse oospore
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.