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Définitions de « novaculite »

Novaculite - Nom commun

  • (Minéralogie) Roche sédimentaire siliceuse utilisée pour la fabrication de pierres à aiguiser.

    La novaculite, cette roche sédimentaire siliceuse, est l'ingrédient principal utilisé dans la fabrication de nos précieuses pierres à aiguiser.
    (Citation fictive)

Étymologie de « novaculite »

Du latin novacula (« rasoir ») et -ite.

Usage du mot « novaculite »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « novaculite » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « novaculite »

  • “It’s unique to this area. As far as I know, novaculite only exists in the outcrops here and immediately adjacent to this area,” said Steve Rudd, geologist and natural resources program manager for Hot Springs National Park. Novaculite quarries stretch across the Ouachita Mountain range from Arkansas to Oklahoma and in west Texas.
    Novaculite runs in Hot Springs’ veins | The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette - Arkansas' Best News Source
  • There, the raw and unique Arkansas stones -- indigenous novaculite -- were cut, finished and returned to the United States, a process the family decided to simplify in the early 1960s.
    Hot Springs firm touts its 'Made in USA' wares | Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
  • Arkansas. “A quarry of this mineral [novaculite], three miles above the Hot Springs of Washitaw, has often been noticed by travelers for its extent and excellency of its quality” (Henry R. Schoolcraft, 1819). Lower Silurian novaculite is found in the following counties: Garland, Hot Spring, Howard, Montgommy, Pike, Polk, Pulaski, and Saline.
    Mother Earth News – The Original Guide To Living Wisely — Other Places to Find Sandstone and Novaculite – Mother Earth News
  • Sunshine sets the fall foliage around me aglow, each leaf casting a thousand shades of red and yellow against the blue sky on this rare, low-humidity fall morning in Arkansas. I’m about halfway along the 16-mile Little Missouri Trail, which follows its namesake river as it carves a narrow valley out of the hard novaculite of the Ouachita Mountains. I close my eyes to focus on the roar of the water as it cascades over massive boulders and into deep pools. That’s the sound of compromise between a persistent river and a stubborn rock. And this trail alongside both is the reward.
    Backpacker — Hike Arkansas' Ouachita Mountains on the Little Missouri Trail
  • Since moving the Dryden pottery business to Arkansas, their process uses Arkansas novaculite in both the clay of his pieces as well as the glazes, which are unique to his pottery.
    Arkansas Times — James 'Kimbo' Dryden named Arkansas Living Treasure - Arkansas Times

Traductions du mot « novaculite »

Langue Traduction
Anglais novaculitis
Espagnol novaculitis
Italien novaculitis
Allemand novakulitis
Chinois 新星炎
Arabe نوفاكوليتيس
Portugais novaculite
Russe novaculitis
Japonais 卵巣炎
Basque novaculitis
Corse novaculite
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.