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Accueil > Dictionnaire > Définitions du mot « manufacturable »



Définitions de « manufacturable »

Manufacturable - Adjectif

  • Susceptible d'être transformé par un processus de fabrication industrielle.

    Matières premières manufacturables ; produits manufacturés.
    — Congrès international de statistique, 8e session

Étymologie de « manufacturable »

Dérivé du mot manufacturer avec le suffixe -able.

Usage du mot « manufacturable »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « manufacturable » depuis 1800

Synonymes de « manufacturable »

Citations contenant le mot « manufacturable »

  • Aujourd’hui, pour reproduire ce réservoir mythique, Harley-Davidson utilise Geomagic 3D, un logiciel de reverse engineering. La pièce passe tout d’abord dans un scanner 3D Atos à lumière blanche. Les données sont importées dans Geomagic Studio, converties en modèle polygonal, puis en modèle Nurbs, et enfin exportées en surface Iges manufacturable. Le processus ne prend que quelques heures. — Harley-Davidson, du réservoir sculpté en bois à l’impression 3D
  • Sakuú Corporation, San Jose, California, USA, has announced promising results from its ongoing testing of an additively manufacturable lithium formulation from Livent for use in Sakuu’s AM batteries. Sakuu is collaborating with Livent Corporation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, under an existing joint development agreement (JDA) for the use of Livent’s proprietary LIOVIX® lithium formulation in Sakuu’s additively manufactured battery. The LIOVIX platform includes applications for pre-lithiation and lithium metal anode manufacturing.
    Metal AM magazine — Sakuu collaborates with Livent on additively manufacturable lithium for batteries
  • “The innovative design allows the photoreactor to capture photons at high efficiency under varying sun directions, eliminating the need for sun-tracking. The panels are also manufacturable via extrusion of polymers, making them inexpensive and easily manufacturable at scale – all of which could help make a sustainable future more affordable and practical,” noted the statement.
    Interesting Engineering — New photoreactor tech provides clean green energy - Interesting Engineering
  • Designed to remove complexity, REcreate provides a single working environment from scan to manufacturable CAD model.  The user can prepare CAD models and drawings from any point cloud data. Its fully featured CAD tool suite enables users to create complete and manufacturable CAD models as well as 2D engineering drawings. REcreate’s analysis tools also enable manufacturing professionals to interrogate those 3D models and validate whether they are manufacturable before exporting as CAD or STL for computer aided manufacturing (CAM) or additive manufacturing processes.
    3D ADEPT MEDIA — “REcreate”, Hexagon’s new software designed to reverse engineer parts from metrology scan to manufacturable model - 3D ADEPT MEDIA
  • The additively manufacturable lithium disilicate powder, jointly developed with Ivoclar, is expected to open up a long-awaited path to the patient-individual serial production of high-profile, all-ceramic dental restorations. The process allows veneers as thin as 0.3 mm and crowns with high levels of detail, especially at the occlusal surfaces. In a single build, a multitude of patient-specific, aesthetic restorations can be created.
    Powder Injection Moulding International — Lithoz highlights Ceramic Additive Manufacturing at leading dental event
  • “The key to achieving FAA certification is flying a conforming aircraft. I believe we are positioned to be the first in the sector to do so.” said Archer founder and CEO, Adam Goldstein. “From day one, Archer’s strategy has been to build an aircraft that is certifiable and manufacturable at scale. This focus is what has allowed us to move quicker and more efficiently than any other company in the industry over the last few years.”
    Archer announces three piloted aircraft now in production - Aerospace Manufacturing

Traductions du mot « manufacturable »

Langue Traduction
Anglais manufacturable
Espagnol fabricable
Italien fabbricabile
Allemand herstellbar
Chinois 可制造的
Arabe قابل للتصنيع
Portugais fabricável
Russe технологичнее
Japonais 製造可能
Basque manufacturable
Corse manufacturabile
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.