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Définitions de « fragipan »

Fragipan - Nom commun

  • (Pédologie) Horizon pédologique compact et peu perméable, caractérisé par des fissures verticales permettant la circulation de l'eau et des racines.

    Ainsi, les résultats d’un essai agronomique mené sur un luvisol dégradé drainé, resaturé, à fragipan, sur limons du Faux-Perche seront peut-être généralisables à tous les sols de ce même type dans le Bassin parisien.
    — Association française pour l'étude du sol, Référentiel pédologique

Étymologie de « fragipan »

Du mot anglais fragipan, lui-même dérivé du latin fragilis signifiant « fragile », et de l'anglais pan se référant à un « désert de sel ». Ces termes sont utilisés pour décrire les figures formées sur le sol ressemblant à des fissures dans un tel horizon.

Usage du mot « fragipan »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « fragipan » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « fragipan »

  • AFFECTING ABOUT 50 million acres in the U.S., the fragipan is a naturally-occurring, cement-like soil layer that can reduce the water-holding potential of the soil by about 50% compared to other crop-producing soils, and can reduce crop yields by at least 20-25%. 
    Breaking through the ‘Fragipan’ with Annual Ryegrass
  • The fragipan is a cement-like layer in the soil that creates shallow soils with limited yield potential due to low water-holding capacity. Soil fragipans are in 50 million acres across the nation, including 2.7 million in Kentucky. Kentucky soil fragipans are in some of the largest crop production areas of the state. A UK research team led by soil scientist Lloyd Murdock discovered that annual ryegrass could break down the fragipan.
    Morning Ag Clips — Fragipan field day March 26 | Morning Ag Clips
  • Ralph Upton Jr. farms 1,800 acres near Springerton, Illinois, and has been no-tilling on his operation since the 1980s. But land in southern Illinois poses challenges due to its restrictive fragipan soils. Upton Jr. fights poor drainage, low water infiltration, short-term droughts, and susceptibility to erosion while trying to grow corn, soybeans, and wheat.
    Successful Farming — Protecting and Improving Soil with No-Till and Cover Crops
  • Among the presentations are a research update from UK soil scientist Lloyd Murdock on using a ryegrass cover crop to make fragipan soils more productive and management strategies for improved decision-making from UK agricultural economist Jordan Shockley. UK plant pathologist Carl Bradley will give an update on corn and soybean diseases, and UK plant pathologist Emily Pfeufer will discuss angular leaf spot in dark tobacco.
    UKNow — UK to Host Corn, Soybean and Tobacco Field Day at Princeton July 27 | UKNow
  • When Fischer first started grazing the fragipan soils, with layers that restrict water flow and root penetration, his crop acres were harvested for corn silage, then cover-cropped with wheat, and everything was baled. “We struggled with moisture, just like most farmers around here. Hay was just too wet or too dry,” Fischer explained. Over time, he began to look into other options.
    Ryegrass drives this full-service farm | Hay and Forage Magazine

Traductions du mot « fragipan »

Langue Traduction
Anglais fragipan
Espagnol fragipán
Italien fragipan
Allemand fragipan
Chinois 弗拉吉潘
Arabe فريبان
Portugais fragipan
Russe fragipan
Japonais フラジパン
Basque fragipan
Corse fragipanu
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.