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Définitions de « tectorial »

Tectorial - Adjectif

  • (Anatomie) Relatif à une structure anatomique qui recouvre ou protège.

    L'os tectorial, par sa robustesse, joue le rôle protecteur pour les organes vitaux qu'il enveloppe, agissant comme une véritable armure naturelle.
    (Citation fictive)

Étymologie de « tectorial »

Dérivé savant du latin tectorius (« de couverture ») et -al.

Usage du mot « tectorial »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « tectorial » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « tectorial »

  • Transmission electron microscope image of the developing tectorial membrane in a mouse two days after birth. Sungjin Park A new study suggests that the multi-layered tectorial membrane, which is present in the inner ear and central to hearing, forms in a way similar to 3D printing, with successive layers growing on a cell surface. This mechanism may also underlie the development of other structures.
    Nature Middle East — Inner ear membrane development similar to 3D printing - News - Nature Middle East
  • Both the ear’s sensitivity and its selectivity — its ability to distinguish different frequencies of sound — depend crucially on the behavior of a minuscule gelatinous structure in the inner ear called the tectorial membrane, which Freeman and his students have been studying for more than a decade. Now, they have found that the way the gel membrane gives our hearing its extreme sensitivity has to do with the size, stiffness, and distribution of nanoscale pores in that membrane, and the way those nanopores control the movement of water within the gel.
    MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology — Mechanism helps explain the ear’s exquisite sensitivity | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • It has long been known that the outer hair cells are connected to a membrane that rests on top of them. The outer hair cells have hair-like protrusions known as stereocilia that are bent and activated when sound causes the membrane and the hearing organ to vibrate. However, the current view is that the stereocilia of the inner hair cells are not in contact with this membrane, which is known as the tectorial membrane, and that they are stimulated by sounds by a completely different mechanism. It is this model that the new study challenges.
    EurekAlert! — Research results challenge a decades-old mech | EurekAlert!
  • "The tectorial membrane is a gelatinous tissue that's made up of 97 percent water," Sellon told Live Science. "And it sits on top of the tiny sensory receptors in the inner ear (or cochlea) that translate sound waves into an electrical signal that your brain can interpret." [10 Amazing Things We Learned About Humans in 2018] — Why Do Humans Hear So Well? You Can Thank the Tiny 'Jell-O' Violin Inside Your Ear | Live Science
  • MIT Professor Dennis M. Freeman, working with graduate student Roozbeh Ghaffari and research scientist Alexander J. Aranyosi, found that the tectorial membrane, a gelatinous structure inside the cochlea of the ear, is much more important to hearing than previously thought. It can selectively pick up and transmit energy to different parts of the cochlea via a kind of wave that is different from that commonly associated with hearing.
    MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology — MIT finds new hearing mechanism | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Traductions du mot « tectorial »

Langue Traduction
Anglais tectorial
Espagnol tectorial
Italien tectorial
Allemand tectorial
Chinois 保护性的
Arabe تكتيري
Portugais tectorial
Russe текториальный
Japonais tectorial
Basque tectorial
Corse tettoriale
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.