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Définitions de « rostral »

Rostral - Adjectif

  • (Antiquité) Qui concerne ou est relatif au rostre.

    Les colonnes rostrales, ornées des becs de navires vaincus, symbolisaient la puissance maritime de l'Antiquité romaine.
    (Citation fictive)
  • (Anatomie) Qui est relatif au rostre, désignant la partie antérieure ou supérieure de la tête.

    Dans le monde des insectes, la forme et la taille du rostral, cette partie antérieure de la tête, sont souvent déterminantes pour leur survie et leur reproduction.
    (Citation fictive)

Expressions liées

  • Colonne rostrale (colonne ornée de proues de navires, élevée en souvenir d'une victoire navale.)
  • Couronne rostrale (récompense accordée au soldat romain qui le premier avait pris pied sur un navire ennemi.)
    Plus loin c'est Agrippa; la couronne rostrale Décore du héros la tête triomphale
    — Delille, Énéide
  • Décerner la couronne rostrale

Étymologie de « rostral »

Du latin rostralis, de rostrum, bec, éperon de navire.

Usage du mot « rostral »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « rostral » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « rostral »

  • Le cortex cingulaire, représenté dans des nuances de violet ci-dessous, est connu pour exprimer une grande quantité de récepteurs 5HT-2Ar. Les préférés de la psilocybine. Il est divisé en plusieurs zones, dont le cortex cingulaire antérieur rostro-ventral (CCA rostral, en violet très foncé). Ce serait ce CCA rostral qui induirait des réponses différentes à la psilocybine.
    Futura — Brève | Cette zone du cerveau influencerait votre réponse aux champignons hallucinogènes
  • A myotome is considered as intact, if it is graded 3 or 4 and the next rostral myotome is graded as intact including the implication on the ML determination.
    Nature — Effect of formal training in scaling, scoring and classification of the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury | Spinal Cord
  • A potential possible mechanism of sympathoinhibition caused by SGLT2 and/or SGLT1 inhibitors in the improvement of cardiorenal outcomes. SGLT2 and SGLT1 inhibitors could block SGLT2 and SGLT1, which are colocalized in the bulbospinal rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) neuron and thus hyperpolarized membrane potential, and then transmit reduced sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) through intermediolateral cell column (IML) to the peripheral tissues including heart, kidneys, and arterioles, eventually improving cardiorenal outcomes
    Nature — Inhibiting SGLTs diminishes sympathetic output by reducing rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) neuron activity | Hypertension Research
  • The intrathecal (IT) dosing route introduces drugs directly into the CSF to bypass the blood–brain barrier and gain direct access to the CNS. We evaluated the use of convective forces acting on the cerebrospinal fluid as a means for increasing rostral delivery of IT dosed radioactive tracer molecules and antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) in the monkey CNS. We also measured the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) volume in a group of cynomolgus monkeys.
    BioMed Central — Convective forces increase rostral delivery of intrathecal radiotracers and antisense oligonucleotides in the cynomolgus monkey nervous system | Journal of Translational Medicine | Full Text
  • According to vertebrate paleontologist Todd Cook, associate professor of biology, Penn State Behrend, the team did not set out to contribute to the debate about the origins of teeth. Instead, he and his colleagues were studying the tissue structure of rostral denticles, which are the jagged spikes that run along the elongated snouts of sawsharks and sawfishes and are used in foraging and self-defense. Cook, who is the lead author of the study, which appears in the Journal of Anatomy, noted that sawfishes belong to the same group as skates and rays and are closely related to sharks.
    Lab Manager — Sawfish Fossils Suggest Teeth Likely Evolved from Body Scales in Ancient Fish | Lab Manager
  • Investigating the association between neurodegeneration within rostral spinal cord and brain gray matter volume (GMV) and assessing the relationship between remote neurodegenerative changes and clinical outcomes at the early phase of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM).
    Nature — Neurodegeneration within the rostral spinal cord is associated with brain gray matter volume atrophy in the early stage of cervical spondylotic myelopathy | Spinal Cord
  • A previous study showed that ESC-derived NE created by using this culture method goes on to express a rostral forebrain marker, Rax (also called Rx)24. Because of this, we used Rax::GFP ESC to monitor the formation of the rostral forebrain. Live imaging analysis showed that small patches of Rax::GFP+ cells first appeared in a speckled pattern (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Movie 1). By day 5, the Rax::GFP+ signals became noticeably stronger in one half of the aggregate (Fig. 1a), and this rostral-polarization trend continued through the next two days (Fig. 1a; see ratio of rostral-polarized pattern in Supplementary Fig. 1D).
    Nature — Self-patterning of rostral-caudal neuroectoderm requires dual role of Fgf signaling for localized Wnt antagonism | Nature Communications

Traductions du mot « rostral »

Langue Traduction
Anglais rostral
Espagnol rostral
Italien rostrale
Allemand rostral
Chinois 延髓
Arabe منقاري
Portugais rostral
Russe ростральный
Japonais 吻側
Basque rostral
Corse rostrale
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.