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Définitions de « osmiridium »

Osmiridium - Nom commun

  • (Minéralogie) Alliage naturel composé principalement d'iridium et d'osmium, caractérisé par une teneur en osmium inférieure à 32%.

    Dans les profondeurs de la terre, l'osmiridium, rare alliage d'iridium et d'osmium à moins de 32%, se distingue par sa préciosité.
    (Citation fictive)

Usage du mot « osmiridium »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « osmiridium » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « osmiridium »

  • These 15,000 limited edition coins will be made of pure osmium and will have a unique, first-ever, numismatic value as well as intrinsic value due to the scarcity of the platinum group metal. Following the introduction of the 15,000 limited edition osmium coins, the osmiridium coins will be made of either osmium or iridium and marketed as bullion coins.
    Osmiridium Coin Develops New Extreme Density Un-Counterfeitable Platinum Group Metal Coins
  • “Except for the first 15,000 limited edition collectors coins that will be numbered and registered, Osmiridium coins will be bullion coins,” according to Thorsgard. “They will have no numismatic value only intrinsic value. Regardless of who makes them, they will have to be made of pure osmium and or iridium. Because of the density of osmium and iridium if a osmiridium bullion coin is contaminated with anything in the universe it will either be too large for its weight or to light for its size.”
    CoinWorld — High-density platinum group metals for bullion
  • And he becomes naturalised Australian in 1911 at the age of 49. Soon after that he turns up in Tasmania at the 19 mile osmiridium field. What is osmiridium? Well, I can tell you that osmiridium is an alloy of osmium and iridium, both precious metals. And at that time, osmiridium was used for the nibs of gold fountain pens. And there he was supposed to have regularly fed a thylacine. So he had quite a few thylacine adventures while he was in the bush.
    ABC Education — The travels of Hooky Jack - ABC Education

Traductions du mot « osmiridium »

Langue Traduction
Anglais osmiridium
Espagnol osmiridium
Italien osmiridio
Allemand osmiridium
Chinois os
Arabe الأوزميريديوم
Portugais osmiridium
Russe осмистый иридий
Japonais オスミリジウム
Basque osmiridium
Corse osmiridiu
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.