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Définitions de « neuro-humoral »

Neuro-humoral - Adjectif

  • (Médecine) Relatif à la transmission de signaux entre les neurones par des substances spécifiques libérées, appelées neurotransmetteurs.

    L'équilibre neuro-humoral, cette danse silencieuse de neurotransmetteurs, est la clé de voûte de notre cognition et de notre comportement.
    (Citation fictive)

Étymologie de « neuro-humoral »

Dérivé de humoral, avec le préfixe neuro-.

Usage du mot « neuro-humoral »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « neuro-humoral » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « neuro-humoral »

  • The researchers also looked for binge eating patterns and addiction to high-sugar and high-fat foods using special-purpose questionnaires. They also measured neuropeptides linked to neuro-humoral alterations and detected significant alterations in obese subjects. Neuropeptides are released in response to peripheral signals such as hormones to regulate appetite and energy balance. “In addition, leptin and insulin interact with neuropeptides NPY, MCH and α-MSH, not only regulating appetite but also activating the sympathetic nervous system, which may contribute to the high blood pressure associated with obesity,” Simoes said.  
    AGÊNCIA FAPESP — Obese girls face heightened risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood more often than obese boys
  • In addition, people who play the game for an hour daily are more attentive, adjusted and also have more active cardiovascular and neuro-humoral responses to mental stress.
    Badminton England — How badminton can help mental health and wellbeing | Badminton England
  • Two-third of the cases showed a HO in the medio-ventral muscles of both hips which can be explained by the pathophysiological mechanisms of prolonged immobilization, autonomic dysregulation and neuro-immunological and neuro-humoral changes. By the ongoing demineralization of bone, prostaglandin release and altered Ca-P balance there are systemic contact points along the pathway for bone development.27, 28 The remaining cases of single sided HO at the hip might be caused by micro trauma during the remobilization process in the physiotherapy, but this is a hypothetic assumption.
    Nature — Development of heterotopic ossifications, blood markers and outcome after radiation therapy in spinal cord injured patients | Spinal Cord

Traductions du mot « neuro-humoral »

Langue Traduction
Anglais neuro-humoral
Espagnol neuro-humoral
Italien neuro-umorale
Allemand neuro-humoral
Chinois 神经体液
Arabe العصبية الخلطية
Portugais neuro-humoral
Russe нейро-гуморальный
Japonais 神経液性
Basque neure-humoral
Corse neuro-umorale
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.