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Définitions de « iodide »

Iodide - Nom commun

  • (Chimie) Substance résultant de l'association de l'iode avec un élément moins électronégatif, caractérisée par des rapports atomiques identiques à ceux trouvés dans les acides.

    Dans le cadre de la synthèse chimique, l'iodide est le produit de combinaison de l'iode avec un élément moins électronégatif, offrant des proportions atomiques comparables à celles observées dans les acides.
    (Citation fictive)

Étymologie de « iodide »

Dérivé du mot iode avec le suffixe -ide.

Usage du mot « iodide »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « iodide » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « iodide »

  • Xie, Y. et al. Efficient and simultaneous capture of iodine and methyl iodide achieved by a covalent organic framework. Nat. Commun. 13, 2878 (2022).
    Nature — Efficient and selective capture of thorium ions by a covalent organic framework | Nature Communications
  • It is clear to see in this experiment that trypan blue can introduce variabilty to the total cell count and will give an overestimation of live cell number when compared to fluorescence methods. For this study, differentiation of cells and debris is accomplished using the two fluorophores, acridine orange and propidium iodide. [*NOTE* Rachael Kelley: This last sentence seems repetitive explaining acridine orange and propidium iodide again.]
    News-Medical — Counting isolated nuclei with DeNovix
  • Other nuclear stains used to visualize DNA during interphase and mitosis include Hoechst stain, ethidium bromide, propidium iodide and acridine orange.
    News-Medical — DNA Labelling Using DAPI: Methodology
  • Li, Z. et al. Stabilizing perovskite structures by tuning tolerance factor: formation of formamidinium and cesium lead iodide solid-state alloys. Chem. Mater. 28, 284–292 (2016).
    Nature — Alkyl ammonium iodide-based ligand exchange strategy for high-efficiency organic-cation perovskite quantum dot solar cells | Nature Energy
  • Xie, M. et al. Highly efficient sky blue electroluminescence from ligand-activated copper iodide clusters: overcoming the limitations of cluster light-emitting diodes. Sci. Adv. 5, eaav9857 (2019).
    Nature — High efficiency warm-white light-emitting diodes based on copper–iodide clusters | Nature Photonics
  • Hu, Q. S. et al. Highly effective hybrid copper(I) iodide cluster emitter with negative thermal quenched phosphorescence for X-ray imaging. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 135, e202217784 (2023).
    Nature — A copper-iodide cluster microcube-based X-ray scintillator | Light: Science & Applications
  • This in vitro study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of silver diamine fluoride and Potassium iodide (SDF-KI) in comparison to casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate fluoride (CPP-ACPF) varnish, sodium fluoride (NaF) varnish, silver diamine fluoride (SDF) alone and deionized water as a control group in the prevention of dental erosion in primary teeth and assessing its staining effect.
    Nature — Effect of silver diamine fluoride/potassium iodide treatment on the prevention of dental erosion in primary teeth: an in vitro study | BDJ Open
  • For additional information regarding the potassium iodide distribution program in Delaware, call the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) section at 302-659-3362. More information and resources can be found at
    State of Delaware News — October Events: Siren Test, National Alert Test, and Potassium Iodide Distribution - State of Delaware News

Traductions du mot « iodide »

Langue Traduction
Anglais iodide
Espagnol yoduro
Italien ioduro
Allemand jodid
Chinois 碘化物
Arabe يوديد
Portugais iodeto
Russe йодид
Japonais ヨウ化物
Basque iodide
Corse iodu
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.