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Définitions de « interlingual »

Interlingual - Adjectif

  • Qui concerne ou est relatif à l'usage de deux langues ou plus.

    La première séquence indiquait la langue du mot et fournissait un contexte aux lecteurs. La deuxième était un homographe interlingual, par exemple le mot « coin », qui signifie « angle » en français, mais « monnaie » en anglais.
    — « Les cerveaux bilingues vieillissent différemment »,

Étymologie de « interlingual »

Composé du préfixe inter- et de l'adjectif lingual (relatif à la langue).

Usage du mot « interlingual »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « interlingual » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « interlingual »

  • Very little is known about these newly-created working environments and their effects on cognition. The present study focused on a novel practice, interlingual respeaking (IRSP), where real-time subtitles in another language are created through the interaction between a human and ASR software.
    Neuroscience News — Human Cognition Enhanced By AI Use - Neuroscience News
  • According to Daly, dual-language books are books written in two languages. There are three categories of dual-language books: interlingual, bilingual and multi-version. Interlingual books have “translanguaging,” a process of integrating languages with each other — an interlingual book is written in one language, but has some words in another language. Bilingual books are written in two languages separately but within the same volume. Multi-version books are books that have versions published in multiple languages, either at the same time (simultaneous) or one after the other (sequential).
    The Daily Wildcat — How dual-language picture books preserve and diversify culture – The Daily Wildcat
  • Interpreters are obliged to remain impartial – not taking sides or assisting beyond the interlingual transfer of the message.
    Monash Lens — Lost in translation: Fostering trust in interpreting services – Monash Lens
  • The movement toward and support of such interlingual poetry was spotlighted when Juan Felipe Herrera was named the first Latinx poet laureate of the United States in 2015, Cárdenas said.
    UWM REPORT — Poet who blends Spanish and English receives an Outstanding Women of Color Award
  • Did you ever notice that we spell alcohol the same way in both English and Spanish (you can find a bunch of those words, called interlingual homographs here)? The word is derived from the Arabic al–kuhul/al–kuhl/al–kohl, which meant kohl eye makeup and other powders. Until the 18th-century, alcohol referred to makeup products and not liquids that can get you drunk. There are additional theories linking the word alcohol to the words “ghoul”, “spirits,” and other such things.
    HipLatina — 15 Spanish Words with Arabic Origins - HipLatina

Traductions du mot « interlingual »

Langue Traduction
Anglais interlingual
Espagnol interlingüístico
Italien interlinguistica
Allemand interlingual
Chinois 语际间
Arabe بين اللغات
Portugais interlingual
Russe межъязыковой
Japonais 言語間
Basque hizkuntzarteko
Corse interlingue
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.