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Définitions de « hydrosilicate »

Hydrosilicate - Nom commun

  • Substance chimique résultant de l'association d'un silicate et de molécules d'eau.

    On obtient donc un hydrosilicate de composition bien définie en équilibre avec la phase liquide.
    — Académie des sciences (France), Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des sciences: Volume 296

Expressions liées

  • Hydrosilicate de nickel

Étymologie de « hydrosilicate »

Mot dérivé de silicate, avec le préfixe hydro-.

Usage du mot « hydrosilicate »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « hydrosilicate » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « hydrosilicate »

  • Germany: Hydraulic calcium hydrosilicate (hCHS)-based cement producer Celitement has gone from being a Schwenk-affiliated company to a full subsidiary of the 5.76Mt/yr integrated capacity cement producer. Celitement plans to upgrade its pilot plant at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Baden-Württemberg, to increase production capacity. When this is completed, it will offer ‘single-digit tonne’ deliveries to ‘select investors’ and begin ‘large-scale practical testing.’ These will determine the feasibility of establishing an industrial Celitement plant.
    Schwenk Zement acquires Celitement - Cement industry news from Global Cement
  • Magnesium hydrosilicate is 11% water by weight and is stable at temperatures and pressures found in Earth’s core. During Earth’s formation, the solid core of iron that we know today did not exist yet, and magnesium hydrosilicate existed in its place. Magnesium hydrosilicate is a product of chondrites, which are meteoric rocks thought to be found in most rocky planets. “Magnesium hydrosilicate will be inevitably formed if you subject the chondrite to pressures above 200 Gigapascals,” Oganov said.
    Advanced Science News — Where did all of Earth’s water come from? - Advanced Science News
  • In the case of very large planets from outside our solar system that can perhaps contain water and thus support life (the hypothetical “super-Earths”), pressures stabilizing the magnesium hydrosilicate can exist even outside the core, locking large amounts of water indefinitely. “As a result, super-Earths can have a much greater water content and still support the existence of exposed continents,” concluded study co-author Xiao Dong, a physicism at Nankai University. — How did early Earth hold onto its oceans? •

Traductions du mot « hydrosilicate »

Langue Traduction
Anglais hydrosilicate
Espagnol hidrosilicato
Italien idrosilicato
Allemand hydrosilicat
Chinois 氢硅酸盐
Arabe سيليكات الماء
Portugais hidrossilicato
Russe гидросиликат
Japonais ハイドロシリケート
Basque hydrosilicate
Corse idrosilicata
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.