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Définitions de « hendiadys »

Hendiadys - Nom commun

  • (Rhétorique) Figure de style consistant à exprimer une idée par la juxtaposition de deux termes reliés par une conjonction, au lieu d'utiliser un terme principal et un complément.

    Plutôt que de dire 'une colère violente', l'éditorialiste, usant d'hendiadys, a préféré écrire 'violence et colère' pour exprimer la même idée.
    (Citation fictive)

Usage du mot « hendiadys »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « hendiadys » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « hendiadys »

  • A L’hendiadys.
    Libé — Le français, c’est stylé… - Libération
  • There's a good new article on hendiadys in the Constitution, and it suggests that this hendiadys thing is getting out of hand already. As the title of the article puts it, Hendiadys in the Language of the Law: What Part of "and" Don't You Understand?. The article is by Elizabeth Fajans and Mary R. Falk, and is published in Legal Communication & Rhetoric. — A challenge to hendiadys in the law
  • In text, the authors suggest that my argument is opposed to Chief Justice Marshall's, because he treats each term as having "independent significance," while if the phrase is a hendiadys that would not be true. (I'm not sure Chief Justice Marshall actually argues that, but let's leave that aside for now.) The authors then drop this footnote: — Is "Necessary and Proper" a Hendiadys? Responding to Calabresi, Kostial, and Lawson
  • Subtle hendiadys is sometimes only arguable, but literal translation that ignores idiom can be false. Let's recognize hendiadys in "miserando atque eligendo," especially as these words have been removed from grammatical context to function independently as a motto, and translate: "by mercifully choosing" or perhaps even "by God's merciful choice." The motto then takes us to the center of the concerns of Francis' papacy and of his Jubilee Year. In Francis' motto the grammatical coalesces with the spiritual: when the Lord calls Matthew, or the young Bergoglio, or all of us, his mercy is his choice and his choice is his mercy. 
    Catholic News Agency — What does Pope Francis' motto really mean?

Traductions du mot « hendiadys »

Langue Traduction
Anglais hendiadys
Espagnol hendiadys
Italien endiadi
Allemand hendiadys
Chinois 亨迪亚迪斯
Arabe hendiadys
Portugais hendiadys
Russe гендиадис
Japonais hendiadys
Basque hendiadys
Corse hendiadys
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.