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Définitions de « glauconite »

Glauconite - Nom commun

  • Minéral de la famille des micas, caractérisé par sa couleur verte et sa composition chimique (K,Na)(Fe3+,Al,Mg)2(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2.

    Ici, la filiation est évidente, et l'étude au moyen de la loupe binoculaire permet de retrouver des grains de glauconite dans la terra-rossa. Cependant, cette glauconite ne se présente pas toujours sous son aspect normal vert ou jaune franc.
    — Comptes-rendus du 93ème Congrès national des sociétés savantes, section sciences

Étymologie de « glauconite »

Du grec ancien γλαυκός, glaukós (« bleu-vert ») et du suffixe -ite qui indique un minéral. Ce nom a été donné par Christian Keferstein son descripteur.

Usage du mot « glauconite »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « glauconite » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « glauconite »

  • Un dernier retour des mers il y a 525 millions d'années provoqua le dépôt de sédiments plus jeunes. De nombreuses traces géologiques confirment ces événements (couches de glauconite et d'autres roches particulièrement riches en potassium, fer et silice).
    Futura — L’explosion cambrienne déclenchée par plusieurs transgressions marines ?
  • Glauconite’s behavior poses a “significant risk” to offshore wind development, said a paper published this year by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the lead regulator of offshore wind. It said glauconite formations are “abundant” along the continental shelf, and that wind developers will “inevitably” encounter the material during construction. 
    The New Bedford Light — Glauconite: A tricky, sticky mineral that’s challenging offshore wind developers on the East Coast - The New Bedford Light
  • “BOEM is developing further guidelines for developers to avoid these issues in the future,” read an agency response to a comment on the Sunrise Wind project. The comment was critical of the later timing of geological surveys, which can identify whether glauconite is present and might create an issue with certain turbine layouts. 
    The New Bedford Light — Glauconite forcing changes to wind farms off East Coast - The New Bedford Light
  • WOODS HOLE — As offshore wind developers run into glauconite, a mineral that presents challenges for wind turbine installation, the U.S. Geological Survey is conducting a monthslong study to identify exactly where glauconite is already known to be. 
    The New Bedford Light — Where is glauconite, the seafloor mineral challenging offshore wind? - The New Bedford Light
  • As Westgate explained during his talk at Tufts, glauconite is a heavy, greenish-black, iron-potassium pellet found in shallow marine depositional environments along the Atlantic outer continental shelf off the U.S. coast. Glauconite affects the geotechnical properties of sediments in which it forms, thereby posing risks to foundation installation and performance after its transformation from a coarse-grained to a fine-grained material due to crushing. 
    CEE Contributes Conspicuously at Tufts Event : College of Engineering : UMass Amherst
  • Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University are studying the mineral glauconite as an eco-friendly and effective alternative to traditional potassium fertilizers exploited in agriculture. Their recent study showed that glauconite-bearing rocks can be as efficient as traditional fertilizers to increase the wheat yield even with minimum soil cultivation. Glauconite also does not leave any harmful elements in the soil like chlorine and is able to release potassium during several agricultural seasons. The study results were presented in the journal Applied Clay Science.
    Glauconite can become an eco-friendly alternative to potassium fertilizers

Traductions du mot « glauconite »

Langue Traduction
Anglais glauconite
Espagnol glauconita
Italien glauconite
Allemand glaukonit
Chinois 绿刚石
Arabe الجلوكونيت
Portugais glauconita
Russe глауконит
Japonais グラウコナイト
Basque glauconite
Corse glauconite
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.