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Définitions de « gladiatorial »

Gladiatorial - Adjectif

  • Qui se rapporte ou appartient aux gladiateurs et à leur univers.

    Quelques balles de frondes, d’humbles figulines, des tessères gladiatoriales.
    — Journal officiel, 12 juillet 1876

Étymologie de « gladiatorial »

Du latin gladiator et -ial.

Usage du mot « gladiatorial »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « gladiatorial » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « gladiatorial »

  • A new scholarly paper finds “inconclusive” evidence that Jews participated in the ancient Roman gladiatorial games. But it is clear that they defied rabbinic admonitions and attended the games as spectators, wrote Haggai Olshanetsky, a University of Basel postdoctoral fellow in ancient civilizations. — Evidence that ancient Jews watched, but didn’t participate in, gladiatorial games -
  • This blurring of the reality and gradual dominance of propaganda is one of the most dangerous post-truth realities that developing countries are facing and of which we are an integral part. From gladiatorial street flighting to controlling the narrative, democracy in Bangladesh is facing an existential challenge which none of the major actors seem to be aware of and, more sadly, concerned about.
    Asia News Network — Gladiatorial’ street contests and prospects of fair elections - Asia News NetworkAsia News Network
  • According to Mariotti, though, this is all wrong. Gladiator fights were only rarely, or accidentally, to the death. There are two reasons for this. First, gladiatorial combat was first and foremost about demonstrating “what the Romans called virtus, which was physical and mental endurance, as well as martial skill.” The truth to Russell Crowe’s Gladiator is the eerie silence after he massacres his opponents. People were there to watch a sport; they wanted to see training, talent, and athleticism. Killing someone in the first minute offers none of that.
    Big Think — World expert and film consultant debunks 3 gladiator myths - Big Think
  • The series is a large-scale drama set within the spectacular, complex and corrupt world of gladiatorial sports in Ancient Rome. It introduces an ensemble of diverse characters across the many layers of Roman society where sports, politics and business intersect and collide.
    Roland Emmerich To Direct Gladiatorial Drama Series ‘Those About To Die’; Peacock Hands Project Straight-To Series Order
  • In order to remain competitive in this gladiatorial arena, Cowen’s Prime Services division is looking beyond traditional asset classes and provide financing to less obvious, more niche strategies, including Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) funds: SPACs are publicly-traded investment vehicles that raise funds via an IPO to complete a targeted acquisition within a limited time frame (18 to 24 months).
    Hedgeweek — Prime brokerage 2019: Winning tactics inside the gladiatorial arena - Hedgeweek

Traductions du mot « gladiatorial »

Langue Traduction
Anglais gladiatorial
Espagnol gladiatorio
Italien gladiatorio
Allemand gladiatorial
Chinois 角斗士
Arabe جلد
Portugais gladiador
Russe гладиаторский
Japonais 剣闘士
Basque gladiatorial
Corse gladiatoriale
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.