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Définitions de « galactitol »

Galactitol - Nom commun

  • (Biochimie, Biologie, Médecine) Alcool de sucre synonyme de dulcitol.

    Le dosage du galactitol sanguin et urinaire est élevé et le reste malgré le traitement.
    — Alain Berrebi, Maladies rares et grossesse de A à Z

Usage du mot « galactitol »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « galactitol » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « galactitol »

  • Ces deux substances, le galactitol et le galactonate, doivent permettre d'analyser directement l'activité lactasique dans le corps humain, explique jeudi dans un communiqué Agroscope, qui a mené ses recherches avec le Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV).
    Intolérance au lactose: des chercheurs d'Agroscope et...
  • Lactose et galactose contribuent à dégrader les protéines de l'œil par accumulation d'un dérivé (galactitol) ; d'où la recommandation de ne pas trop manger de laitages. "Le cuivre, parfois donné dans des compléments antioxydants, a un effet pro-oxydant aggravant, ajoute le Dr Curtay. Si l'on prend un complexe contenant de la lutéine avec des vitamines E et C, vérifier qu'il n'en contient pas." — CATARACTE, DMLA : ON SE NOURRIT EN COULEURS - Pleine vie
  • In a study in children with Galactosemia aged 2-17, treatment with AT-007 demonstrated clinical benefit on activities of daily living, behavioral symptoms, cognition, fine motor skills and tremor. Govorestat also significantly reduced plasma galactitol levels in both adults and children with Galactosemia. Galactitol is a toxic metabolite responsible for tissue damage and long-term complications in Galactosemia.
    Yahoo Finance — Applied Therapeutics Announces MAA Validation and NDA Submission of Govorestat (AT-007) for Treatment of Classic Galactosemia
  • The company stated that the drug has significantly reduced plasma galactitol levels in adults and children with Galactosemia compared to placebo in clinical trials.
    Pharmaceutical Technology — EMA grants orphan medicinal product designation to Applied’s AT-007
  • “We thank the FDA for their productive feedback and for their partnership in this process,” said Riccardo Perfetti, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer of Applied Therapeutics. “We believe that the clinical efficacy demonstrated to date, combined with galactitol biomarker data and a favorable safety profile, provides us with a solid filing package to the FDA. We are excited to advance towards a regulatory submission for the first potential treatment for Galactosemia.”
    Yahoo Finance — Applied Therapeutics Announces Successful Pre-NDA Meeting with the FDA and Confirms Plans to Submit NDA for Govorestat (AT-007) for Treatment of Classic Galactosemia to FDA in Q4 2023
  • The results in normal animals were similar whether the isotope was injected into nonfasted animals or into animals fasted 12 h before the urine collection. Only small amounts equaling about 1% of the dose of 10 μmol were excreted as galactose or galactonate. No labeled galactitol was detected (<0.001 μmol/mouse). Very small amounts of [12C]galactose and [12C]galactonate were found.
    Nature — Galactose Metabolism by the Mouse with Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyltransferase Deficiency | Pediatric Research
  • “Govorestat has demonstrated consistent results on improvement in galactitol biomarker levels in both adults and children and on long-term clinical and functional outcomes in children with Galactosemia,” said Riccardo Perfetti, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer of Applied Therapeutics. “We would like to thank all of the patients, investigators, and caregivers who participated in the ACTION-Galactosemia Kids study.”
    GlobeNewswire News Room — Applied Therapeutics Announces Clinical Benefit of

Traductions du mot « galactitol »

Langue Traduction
Anglais galactitol
Espagnol galactitol
Italien galactitolo
Allemand galactitol
Chinois 半乳糖醇
Arabe جالاكتيتول
Portugais galactitol
Russe галацитол
Japonais ガラクチトール
Basque galactitol
Corse galactitol
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.