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Définitions de « diamide »

Diamide - Nom commun

  • (Chimie) Substance contenant deux fonctions amide.

    Elle fut obtenue en faisant passer un courant de gaz chlorhydrique par une solution bien refroidie de la diamide dans l’alcool méthylique.
    — Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas et de la Belgique, Volume 36

Étymologie de « diamide »

Composé de di- et amide.

Usage du mot « diamide »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « diamide » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « diamide »

  • Phthalic diamide
    Impact de Covid-19 sur lindustrie Azurant optique, 2020: la taille du marché mondial, actions, croissance, rapport recherche sur lanalyse des ventes et pilotes 2026 – MillauJournal
  • FMC has always been clear and transparent about its diamide growth strategy. The company has consistently disclosed material developments in diamide litigation in SEC filings. The Blue Orca report contains quotes and information that have been taken out of context, are factually incorrect or do not reflect the multiple dimensions of the FMC diamide growth strategy.
    Yahoo Finance — FMC Corporation response to inaccurate short-seller report
  • 08 September 2023, US: FMC Corporation (NYSE:FMC) announced that the report published today by short-seller Blue Orca Capital made misleading and factually inaccurate statements regarding FMC’s patents for its diamide insecticide technology and inaccurately speculated on the strength of FMC’s business.  As acknowledged by Blue Orca, it is a biased opinion piece.    
    Krishak Jagat — FMC Corporation response to inaccurate short-seller report | Krishak Jagat
  • "We are pleased to engage in this strategic relationship with UPL, adding a new global partner to our diamide growth strategy," said Mark Douglas, FMC president and chief executive officer. "This is an important collaboration for FMC to expand our leading diamide technology in diverse geographies and crops with differentiated formulations. FMC has continued to grow the diamides significantly since acquiring them in late 2017, including achieving double-digit year-on-year growth again in 2020. We forecast the diamide franchise will continue to grow above market rates, and our strategic partners are an important component in that growth."
    FMC Corporation Announces Long-Term Collaboration with UPL Ltd. for Rynaxypyr® Active Ingredient
  • MD: When we acquired the diamides franchise as part of the DuPont crop protection transaction in 2017, our diamide sales were about $1.1 billion. Today they are in the $1.7 to $1.8 billion range. The FMC diamides portfolio consists of two key molecules - Rynaxypyr [trade-marked name of chlorantraniliprole] and Cyazypyr [trade-marked name of cyantraniliprole]. We expect them to continue on their strong growth trajectories.
    S&P Global — Article: FMC interview - technology is the cornerstone of our growth plan | S&P Global

Traductions du mot « diamide »

Langue Traduction
Anglais diamide
Espagnol diamida
Italien diammide
Allemand diamid
Chinois 二酰胺
Arabe دياميد
Portugais diamida
Russe диамид
Japonais ジアミド
Basque diamide
Corse diamide
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.