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Définitions de « plasmodial »

Plasmodial - Adjectif

  • (Biologie) Relatif aux plasmodes, organismes unicellulaires caractérisés par une masse de cytoplasme mouvante.

    Lorsque les conditions deviennent défavorables, les mouvements de la masse plasmodiale s'interrompent; celle-ci se condense et se transforme en quelques heures en un zoosporange, générateur de zoospores.
    — Philippe Bouchet, Jean-Louis Guignard
  • (Biologie) Concernant le genre Plasmodium, protozoaire parasite responsable du paludisme.

    Dans leur étude approfondie des organismes pathogènes, les chercheurs ont découvert des caractéristiques alarmantes concernant la résistance plasmodiale aux traitements antipaludiques.
    (Citation fictive)

Étymologie de « plasmodial »

Du mot plasmode avec le suffixe -ial.

Usage du mot « plasmodial »

Évolution historique de l’usage du mot « plasmodial » depuis 1800

Citations contenant le mot « plasmodial »

  • To assess the compositional stoichiometry of plasmodial proteasome subunits, we analyzed the relative abundance of proteasome subunits by using a label-free quantitative approach based on the normalized spectral abundance factor (NSAF), which is particularly compatible with shotgun proteomics25. As shown in Fig. 3A, most proteasome components were found present with similar abundance, except two ATPase base subunits (Rpt2 and Rpt5) with higher abundance and two subunits (Rpn13 and β2) with low abundance. In accordance, low recovery of subunit Rpn13 has been reported in affinity purifications of human proteasomes23,24.
    Nature — Characterization of the 26S proteasome network in Plasmodium falciparum | Scientific Reports
  • Moreover, they demonstrated that stimulator of interferon genes (STING) and TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) — which are both downstream effectors of the DNA-induced type I IFN response — are essential for innate immune activation by plasmodial DNA, and cytoplasmic ATTTTTAC motif-containing ODNs formed a complex with STING and TBK1. Further studies showed that IFNβ expression in response to AT-rich cytoplasmic DNA is induced via interferon-regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) and IRF7.
    Nature — AT-rich DNA trapped in the cytoplasm | Nature Reviews Immunology
  • “This work may give us a clue to the role of topo VI in plasmodial parasites and suggests that the enzyme could be a target for anti-malarial drugs in the future. In plants too, topo VI could have potential as a target for herbicides,” he added. 
    EurekAlert! — Untangling a DNA replication mystery may lead | EurekAlert!
  • While it sounds like fiction, this scenario does happen (minus Steve McQueen et al) during periods of wet weather on mulched beds, in the woods, and other places with abundant organic matter. Of course there are some key qualifications to the above description. The blob, called a plasmodial slime mold, is slimy, but not a mold. What it is, precisely, may be still up for debate.
    Slow-mo horror show: It’s plasmodial slime mold! « All In

Traductions du mot « plasmodial »

Langue Traduction
Anglais plasmodial
Espagnol plasmodial
Italien plasmodiale
Allemand plasmodial
Chinois 疟原虫
Arabe المتصورة
Portugais plasmodial
Russe плазмодия
Japonais 変形体
Basque plasmodial
Corse plasmodiale
Source : Google Translate API

Sources et ressources complémentaires


Source : Google Books Ngram Viewer, application linguistique permettant d’observer l’évolution au fil du temps du nombre d'occurrences d’un ou de plusieurs mots dans les textes publiés.